Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Welcome to the 'Hood

I have been asked more times that I can remember (which isn't saying much considering I'm not even sure I remember what underwear I have on) if I have a blog. Well, now I do. Just seemed right. Or inevitable. Whichever the case may be.

One of the things that has kept me from it is that a blog is supposed to have a theme like vegan cat food or something. (Yes, that exists. 'Cause nothing says vegan like retractable claws and fangs!) I'm not so much a theme person unless that theme is Various and Assorted. I'm a Christian, Speculative Fiction writing, 40 something year old stay-at-home mom who enjoys martial arts, spicy Thai Food, raisins in my oatmeal, reading and doing nothing at all. Kind of a walking contradiction. But, hey, that's what it's like here in the Red Writer's neighborHood.

So, get comfortable and stay a while. Drag your crazy out to the curb and throw it in the street, you'll be in good company. 


  1. What up, Carla? It's your neighbor. Good to see you in cyberspace, if not hood-space. I love you and miss you. We gotta get together like we keep saying we will.

  2. Hey! I didn't even see this. Yes...we need a play date. You and me!
