Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lent - Day (a bunch!) Jacqueline Checks In

It's been some time since Jacqueline and I have posted on our progress. We've been steadily striving. Here's her latest update...

How long have I stopped smoking for now?  

I don't honestly know, I could look back to my quit day and count but I'm not going to because I don't want to be saying, " oh, that's been 3 weeks or 25 days without cigarettes". Why? Because it's a constant reminder that I've given something up.  As I said before, I don't want to think of it as giving up I want to think of it as gaining more.  Gaining more health, time, happiness...

It has been relatively easy most of the time but then I will have a day or weekend where it's all I can think about!  It feels like torture and one day last week I searched through every handbag I own hoping to find an old pack I had forgotten about!  Seriously! That was the worst day so far.  I didn't find any and I was half disappointed and half glad.  Since stopping I have realized I have a major split personality!  I argue with myself a lot!! 

I'm still reading and researching everything I can find on addictions and habits and it definitely helps refocus my attention.  I have also started praying again. For a long time I didn't and I would just talk to my dad who passed when I was 12 years old.  Partly because I thought he would be more likely to listen to me and put up with my whining and partly because I thought God had more to worry about than whether I choked myself, what with famine and war etc... Wee Jacqueline from Scotland might not get the same level of attention. But, you know what? I was wrong.  He does listen because when I pray I feel better and stronger.  I'm not saying I'll be a regular at Sunday mass anytime soon but who knows, I thought I'd be a forever smoker too.

As for the benefits of being a non smoker they are coming thick and fast.  I've had two compliments this week on my complexion! Only two you say well up until now I had none EVER so I'm happy with that.  I can definitely taste better for sure and smell - that has its downsides right enough as I'm now noticing a decidedly funky odor in my car!  I think it's the dogs (hopefully it's the dogs). My lungs have not purged since the first few days of quitting but I'm patient, it will happen, I have been assured, so yeah for when that happens!! I have more energy, I don't feel so sloth-like anymore. Eat that, Mr. Grady! (Art teacher who called me a monument of sloth for 4 years at school. That still smarts to this day.)

My advice to any smoker reading this - quit now!!!! Lay down the excuses because that is what they are: excuses.  There are no good reasons to continue with this awful habit.  There will never be the right day or the best day as you will always find another "reason" to delay.  I don't want to regret anything I have done in my life. If anything I'll regret an opportunity missed.

In the words of Starskey or was it Hutch?  Do it, do it now! I did and it's awesome.  I'm awesome and so are you! 

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